Choose the type of signature according to your needs
Video signature
Keynua's most exclusive and successful signature
The most secure electronic signature
Difficult to repudiate
Express acceptance of the contract
Geopositioning option
RENIEC: identification
CAVALI: registration of promissory notes
Delivery channels:
Use cases
Labor contracts
Granting of credits
Commercial contracts
Letters of guarantee, among others.
Identity verification and confirmation process:
Biometric verification
Proof of life
Drawn signature
The simplest electronic signature
Similar to handwritten signature
Only requires internet connection
Finger or mouse signature from any device.
RENIEC: identification
CAVALI: registration of promissory notes
Delivery channels:
Use cases
Signature of documents that do not require biometric identification.
One Time Password, confirm operations or associate devices
Quick to use
Log registration
Confirmation through unique code via SMS or Whatsapp.
Use cases
Used in transaction acceptance processes where a previous identification process (onboarding) has already been done or biometric identification is not necessary.
Digital signature
Equivalent to notarized signature
Accredited by INDECOPI for automated agent (KADES software - v1.2)
Certificate hosted in the cloud
No software installation required in the signature device.
Requires acquisition of a digital certificate through a company accredited by INDECOPI's ROPS
Use cases
Contracts with public offices or requiring public records.
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